Monday, August 26, 2013

How to Escape Monotony

          Everyday we all go through a certain routine or schedule. Mine, for example, is: Monday through Friday, I wake up at 6:00 AM and eat breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face, and look at my reflection in the mirror picking out all the flaws that I'm sure everyone notices. Once I'm content with my appearance I try to pick an outfit together (keyword TRY). Then I drive myself to school, where I make mindless chatter with friends and sit in a desk from 8:00 AM to 3:05 PM. After that my day consists of procrastination and a snack until I fall asleep roughly around 9:20. Saturday and Sunday I do homework, read, and go to church. This is the consistent pattern of my life. Everyday rolls right into the next and they all blend together into a grayish sort of color.  
         Is there ever a time when we experience a sudden shift in our schedules? A drastic change that forces us to stop, look around, and say, "What just happened?"  At the moment, I am in desperate need of a change. I would jump right at the chance to jet off on a spontaneous adventure to the coast of the Mediterranean coast, or to the wild rainforest in the Amazon.
However, I am sadly not even an adult yet. Just short of a few months till that fateful day, when I can proudly declare my independence as an eighteen year old.  But, until then, I have to find small ways to shake up the monotony of my youth. 
          Maybe I should change my hair? Different color or different length. Maybe a boyfriend is in order! Although, the amount of gentlemen callers at my door is at a low at the moment. I think an easy way one can shake up their lives is to get a hobby. I'm joining the rock climbing club, and although I have little (well, none really) experience, I am trying to broaden my horizons. So, what I suggest is: find a hobby. Try anything and everything. Knitting, dancing, tennis, biking, drawing, anything. Even if you have two left feet, do not be afraid to branch out into the unknown. You will spice up your life if you do!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Know Thyself

Staring out of my economics class, I see the rain has slowed to a small drizzle, and the Chattanooga sky is nothing more than a bleak gray.  My mind is not focused on my teacher, Mr. Griggs, who is talking about the rising Civil War in Egypt.  I'm worrying about the current location of my black American Eagle skinny jeans, along with my favorite braided belt.  I'm wondering about the recent journal entry I turned into Mr. Campbell, my AP English teacher.  "Know Thyself" was the assignment's name.  This got me thinking.  Who am I?  Am I the quiet, hipster people perceive me as?  Even though that's how my classmates and friend see me, is that really who I am? Have I adopted to my alternative music and clothes from seven years of going to a private, "Be an individual" school? Or maybe it has to do with the fact that I grew up with an older brother, who was all about not conforming to the norm of society.  Whatever the case may be, I have found that I am nothing more than a label.  We are all labeled by society.  Some of my classmates are "jocks" and "popular".  Others are the "singers" of choral ensemble or some are "bookworms".  Because of this, I don't think I will ever know who I truly am.  Even if I say I don't care what others think of me, secretly I'm always too worried about how others see me.  I'm too afraid to say what's on my mind, fearing that I will be labeled as "stupid".  I'm too self-concious of what I wear fearing I'll possibly be labeled as a walking "fashion disaster".  What I'm trying to get at here is, is it possible to know who we are? Will there ever be a time when we don't worry about the way people perceive us, and we just be the person we know is deep down inside of us?

Monday, August 5, 2013

End of a Season

The end of summer is upon us. The time when we have to trade in those shorts that make our legs look good for some bottoms that are appropiate for school or the workplace. The days of tanning on the roof are coming to a close, and we have to become comfortable with the paleness we had almost forgotten from the wintertime.
For me, and most the American population under the age of 25, the end of summer also means going back to school. With this being my last year of high school, I'm looking forward to being exposed to the florescent lights, making small talk with people I havent talked to in two months, and the pressing matter of what not to wear on the first day of school. I'm feeling quite confident for the upcoming year. I got some new clothes from Anthropologie (on sale, of course), and I'm looking forward to what this year brings. New love, new friends? Who knows? With college fastly approaching, and my eyes set on the wonderful city of Athens, home to UGA, I'm ready to break my comfort zone. I'm ready to be spontaneous, and try new things. 

Friday, April 27, 2012


Wow! Haven't posted on here in forever. Happy spring time everyone!! Or should I say happy allergy season....Thankfully I have not been blessed with allergies.  Like a lot of other people, I am currently going through summer fever.  Four more weeks till summer, where I will be working at Camp Vesper Point all summer. Not sure how I'm going to complete all my summer reading, but I think I'll make it! 

I've recently decided to go on my school's Ireland Interim trip, which means raising a lot of money! The reason I want to go is because 1. Ireland has a BEAUTIFUL countryside, and 2. I feel like it would be such a fun experience

Over the past few months, I have noticed a crazy obsession hitting the world, and their names are: One Direction.  I can understand why they are taking over the world.    First off, they are from the UK. Secondly, they are adorable looking. And thirdly, they dress very classy.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving and things.....

this is from his video 'malk' is also very hilarious! 

Why must thanksgiving be so far away?? I can't wait till my whole family and I get together. We go to this hunting lodge in Mississippi and we all just stay in our pajamas all day, and pig out for four days. Its great! So tonight, instead of attempting my science homework, I spent about thirty minutes immersing myself with Julian Smith videos.....he is an Internet genius! I recommend the videos with his grandma in them, they are VERY funny!

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm not sure what to call this post...

I realized today that a girl is never to old to giggle when talking about a cute boy.  My friend and I were in class (not listening to the teacher of course) and talked about the cute celebrities, zac efron and shia labeouf, while mourning over the fact that our school is lacking in the cute boy department.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hipsters fill the Halways

My school, Chattanooga Christian School, is a VERY unique school.  We're not good at football, we're pretty descent at all the other sports, and we like to express ourselves through artsy ways.  Since I'm a sophomore this year I have the pleasure to have a locker in the sophomore hallway.  Let's just say, it's a really good way to get to know a person, and share breathing space.

Halloween is coming up soon, but I'm not going to trick-or-treating for the first time in a long time because its Monday night!  I can't believe we've only had about two and half months of school.....I'm already for it to be over.      Yesterday was probably the WORST day, I've ever had (school wise).  Geometry just makes me want to cry!  Well, one thing I do have to look forward to is Thanksgiving, but that's four weeks from now.  The reason I'm looking forward to it is because I can't wait to spend four days with my whole family!